Client Objective:
This client came to us with concerns about paint damage caused by just normal use of his vehicle.
We listened to his concerns and based on his planned usage, we recommended he has his entire car wrapped with Paint Protection Film (PPF).
Having the car fully wrapped with Paint Protection Film (PPF) will ensure that he can take this car out as planned for spirited drives and maybe even track days, without having any damage after his drive.
He also mentioned that he wanted to have a vehicle that’s easy to maintain, as well as look it’s best all the time and that is where the Ceramic Coating recommendation came in.
Ceramic Coating provides a hard shell that stays clean longer, cleans up easier, and adds an additional layer of gloss.
Protecting his investment with Paint Protection Film (PPF) and a Ceramic Coating was money well spent and the peace of mind that comes along with having this protection is invaluable.